Founded in 1993 after the LA Unrest, A Place Called Home (APCH) remains a staple in the world of community support and improvement. APCH started with the intention of creating a safe space for the violence and gang-affected youth of South Los Angles. APCH has evolved with the needs of South Central’s youth and young adults. Supportive programming includes education, mental health counseling, scholarships, and more. At the heart of APCH is the commitment to restoring feelings of safety and support needed in childhood and youth.
At APCH youth and their families get a chance to define their life path. Youth and young adults are supported as they complete school and gain meaningful employment. Members are taught socio-emotional skill sets that enable them to positively interact with the world. APCH empowers their members to move their lives forward; reducing the likelihood of criminal behavior. The impact is fundamental to members’ success and has tremendous impact.
L.L. Foundation for Youth had the opportunity to step in and support APCH in 2021. Through our support they were able to serve over 100 youth traveling to and from off-site field trips. On these trips youth attended an array of supportive opportunities ranging from mentoring to entrepreneurship coaching. Youth were able to receive specialized support and instruction in math, English and science. Another critical offering of these trips was the opportunity to explore topics including identity and self-esteem through the LIFE mentoring program. These trips are so significant because they serve as a pathway for youth to be able to participate in supportive services that aim to provide them with the skills needed to thrive. In addition to these trips, APCH was able to provide 22 college-aged youth with technology needed to succeed in college through their APCH Shaheen Scholars program.
We applaud the work of A Place Called Home and their place as a pillar of the South Central community. In nearly three decades they have supported over 20,000 families and youth.